Monday, March 18, 2013

Flashes of Hope

Flashes of Hope is a wonderful organization. They have volunteer photographers who go to Children's Hospitals and take free portraits of ill children. The gift to the family is priceless. If you want to read more about the organization, go here:

On two separate occasions in 2007 & 2008, we were fortunate to have Flashes of Hope take photos of Cameron at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

They are wonderful, but bittersweet.

I love them.

I keep them in a drawer.

Here are a couple of my favorites:

Why do I mention this now?

Last evening I got a call from a Columbus Dispatch reporter who is doing a story on the organization. She wanted to gather various perspectives - from families who are having pictures done today at Children's, those who have had them done in the past but their children survived, and those like me.

People who know me well will be shocked to hear that I was nearly speechless. I knew that she was going to be calling. I heard her questions, formulated answers in my mind, but what came out of my mouth was brief and without substance. Why? Because it is too f-ing painful talk about. Especially now.

Why now? We just passed what should have been Cameron's 14th birthday. We are approaching next week the 10 year "anniversary" of his diagnosis, when my life changed forever and not for the better.

So, all of this to say, I support the organization and am grateful for what they have given to me. If you are interested in reading the article, you can look for it in Tuesday March 19, 2013 edition of the Columbus Dispatch, in the Life & Times section.

Until next time,