Wednesday, February 13, 2013


First I am not Catholic, so while I am not technically bound to the tradition of Lent, I generally do try to give up something in an attempt to be a better person. Sometimes that attempt is feeble at best..... So, today, I came up with a list of things that I should give up (or at least work on!). Here goes my confessional:

1. Cursing. I know.... I'd like to think that it is not that bad, but it is. At least at work. It is hard being a supervisor sometimes.

2. Extortion. I realize that this is actually a crime, but again, I'd like to think that I fall under some type of threshold on this. I extort cookies (&other sweet treats like brownies and cake) from the interns. All of them. And former ones that are still hanging around.... And some of the other staff that need things from me, like passwords needing to be reset & the like.

3. Alcohol. Who am I kidding? Next.

4. On-line shopping. Hmmm....alcohol might be easier than this. My bank account might appreciate it though.

5. Facebook. I should. I could. I know that I won't. Next.

6. Phone use in my car. I realize that this is about to become law so it is probably a good idea to go ahead and stop talking & driving now. This one might actually be do-able!

7. Make my bed. Every.Day. This one actually makes the least amount of sense. Why bother? I don't really know.

Well, I guess I will see how this goes!


1. Run/jog/walk 1000 miles. Current status: 75.63/1000.

2. Current Status: 7/100

Finished reading Memoirs of Miracles by Tim Mondy (May 19, 2008). Why oh why did I read this book??? It was free for the kindle through Written by through an uncle about a little boy diagnosed with a brain tumor. But the title suggests a miracle! The miracle would be the reader not crying while reading this book.

Just started reading Gone Girl: A Novel by Gillian Flynn

3. Lose 25 pounds. Current status: 5/25 (20% there!)

4. Get more organized. Current status: 2 closests down!

5. Make one new recipe per week. Current status: 6/52

Made these skinny mashed potatoes:  Was leery of no butter, no milk mashed potatoes but they were good!

Until next time,

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